Friday, January 6, 2012

Buda & Pest

Budapest was good. I was told I would not understand the language at all, and yes, I didn't. Apparentely they are related to the Finish, thus the similarities in the languages.

I found the city to be similar in some ways to Prague. The architecture is similar in style, and if one was to compare both, Prague's buildings make the city seem more multicolored. The streets in Budapest are wider, and much longer, or at least that is the feeling. Prague is older too, so that explains the straight streets and wide avenues. At night, the area around the Danube river is beautiful, with its illuminated bridges and large buildings.

St. Stephen Cathedral is very nice inside and outside. In every corner there are lots of details and it would take more than a day just to see the basics, I think. Outside there are lots of statues and the cupulas are large and round, with pointy towers on the sides. The main entrance has a huge wooden door, and stepping outside the view of the Christmass market was a nice feeling.

This pic above is not the Christmass market by St. Stephen, but it is a nice one. It was very cold, but we fixed it with hot wine and goulash. The stuff they were selling was very nice. There were lots of ceramics and clay pots that can cook the best meals I have had in Central and Eastern Europe. The sausages are very tasty too. During the winter time it looks very nice. Next time I am going during the summer, and bike along the river and up the hill for a view of the city.

This place rocks! Zsimpla is on Kazinczy utca (street, pronounced Kazintszy utsa, close enough). From the outside it looks like an abandon building, but on the inside, there is a huge space, two floors with multiple rooms to hang out, and it feels as if you are in somebody's large patio. On the night we went, there was belly dancing show, and then we moved to the outside area. It has a very good athmosphere and is very local. During the summer, the open space is arranged with benches and long tables like a beer garden.

Then we moved to this other place. Not sure of the name, but is on the same street, same block. Outside at street level it looks like a quite bar, but then downstairs the party is awesome. Here I really had a different experience. This is the first place in all the Eastern European countries where I have seen Gypsys mixing, drinking and dancing with the others. Situation in this part of Europe is quite complex with this group, but I can tell you, this is not normal for me to see in a big city. It was a lot of fun and perhaps the best I had at night in Budapest.

This one is from Gallérthegy hill. The view of Buda and Pest from up there was worth the effort going up, with hot wine to keep our hands warm, sometimes also our feet :) We got there about 30 minutes before it got dark, and the wait paid off. The colors of the city changed dramatically at every minute. All day was cloudy and everything looked gray. Then, as it started getting darker, the different tones of blue and yellow became more and more impressive. I liked this one a lot, and would want to do it again. We then went down the hill towards the Chain Bridge, and found a French Cafe overlooking the river and the bridge. Capuccino was rewarding!

Need to go again to visit one of the Turkish baths. I dare to say I was in Budapest, and yet didn't do this, in the winter! Still, good place to be and lots of things to do and see.

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